Strategic Reliability Solutions Ltd is dedicated to working with clients to ensure that reliability becomes integrated into their organizational culture through the provision of consultation services, training and partnering to develop solutions. We aim to ensure that the customer invites reliability back into their workplace and allows it become part of their culture. Through customized training programs and certification from accredited institutions, Strategic Reliability Solutions Ltd will ensure that reliability becomes integrated into organizational culture.
We have several Business affiliates namely; SGS, Reliability Center Inc (RCI), KVR Energy Limited, Conscious Reliability, PM-ProLearn, and 5th Order Industry. • Reliability Center Inc is our preferred affiliate for Root Cause Analysis software and training. They are based in Richmond, Virginia and are backed by 30+ years’ experience in the reliability field. Additionally, they offer classes in Why Parts Fail?, Human Error Reduction Techniques, Basic Failure Analysis and Root Cause Analysis. |
Quality Systems Solutions & Initiatives