The company was officially registered on May 16th 2019 under the Trinidad and Tobago Companies Act of 1995, as Reason Contracting & Enterprise Limited, hereafter referred to as (RCEL).
Competitive Comparison
The only way we can hope to differentiate well, with our competitors, is to define the vision of the Company to be a close ally to our clients in their efforts of increasing productivity, reducing downtime and maintaining a safe working environment.
Company Strengths
-Our principals have years of experience in all aspects of control and management of projects within the industry.
-We actively seek alliances with leaders in the industry in order to access latest technology and industry standards.
-We continue to diversify our product base in order to provide a more secure future for the efforts of the company.
Assisting you in your Continuous Improvement journey!
We have had the pleasure of working with Salient Group LLP for over 4 years. They designed our ...