Nice Us Geriatric Home Care Training and Agency Limited provides professional and ethical services in training for Geriatric Caregivers, Caregiving Agency and Home Care Services for elders and non-medical rehabilitative clients. Nice Us Geriatric is a Social Enterprise Profit Incorporation managed by Registered Nurses at every junction, targeting citizens who value Key Performance Indicators that highlight quality elder care for their loved ones and certified, competent Geriatric Caregivers who prioritize advocating for the wellbeing of the elderly.
Nice Us Geriatric mainly cater to the elderly population across the nation at a time where the pandemic has deemed the elderly the most vulnerable, yet fostered a greater appreciation for quality geriatric in the comfort and safety of our client’s own home.
PEAPSL C.A.R.E.S (Confidential, Accountable, Reliable, Ethical, Supportive)