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Customer Promise: An insightful and engaging experience for better performance at work and in life Mission: Equipping and assisting persons in quality improvements for better performance at work and in life Moz Inc. offers sensitization, training, assessments and other technical assistance related to quality management systems (QMS) and related areas. Betty Combie (PMP, MEd, BSc) is Managing Director and is a former Head of Certification at the Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards. With over 30 years of experience in people development, she is well known for her simple, practical and engaging approach. Her company has been awarded grant assistance by the Caribbean Export Development Agency and the Saint Lucia Trade Export Development Agency. Moz service offerings are developed in accordance with best practice guidelines and include: · Training in quality management (ISO 9001) and project management (ISO 21500) · Assessments of management systems (ISO 19011) · Development of quality plans · Ongoing support in the implementation of a QMS · Training in and facilitation of strategic planning · Conducting training session including: Customer Satisfaction, Doing Work Well, Process Management, Effective Organisations, Teambuilding and other areas related to performance improvement · Motivational empowerment seminars including: Achieving your Goals and QMS in a nutshell |
Where the Experience is beyond the Academics